China University of Political Science and Law


China University of Political Science and Law

China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) is a local famous university, which includes a set of educational profiles, and also specializes in jurisprudence, along with other subjects like art, telecommunication, psychology, marketing, business, and philology.

China University of Political Science and Law

It is impossible not to mention that the establishment is listed in the list of the “Project 911” which is completely under the leadership of the Education Ministry. This facility is settled in Hong Kong near two campuses. The first is in the Xueyuan Highway of Tongzhou, and the other is in the Fuxue Highway of Miyun District The Chinese University of Polytechnic Sciences and Law was set up in 1960 as a result of the merger of subjects such as jurisprudence, governmental study, and psychology from several universities. It was formally acknowledged as the Beijing College of Political Science and Law.

China University of Political Science and Law

If you are interested to study at China University of Political Science and Law, feel free to contact our consultants or to leave your application on our website. You can visit “Our Services” page right here to get known with the services we provide.


China University of Political Science and Law recruits 120-160 students for scholarships every year. Scholarships for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree as well as for language courses are provided.

China University of Political Science and Law is offering Scholarship Program for international students of the academic year 2020-2021. To get more information contact our consultants.


A couple of years later, it re-formed its activities in the current campus of Xueyuan Road. Subsequently, there has been a unification with the Fundamental Lyceum of Constitutional Scientists, after which it changed its name to Chinese University of Political Science and Law.

China University of Political Science and Law

In nineteen eighty-five, the academic establishment built its own unique dorm in Daxing District, which resulted in the formation of a three-level academical model, which included a college of students, an academy of graduate students and an academy of career enhancement. Over the past few decades, it has instructed and studied the excess of 160 thousand juniors and has participated in almost all performances of interstate regulations since the formation of the commonwealth. He initiated the analytical and modernization center of Japan, as well as managed global academic transfers in the field of the legislature.

University in numbers

At the moment, it has about 14 thousand on-campus pupils, including about 8 thousand correspondence pupils, 5 thousand graduate students, and about three hundred foreign students. The department consists of 950 employees out of which 152 are doctoral scholars, 574 main methodologists, and 627 docents.

China University of Political Science and Law

Academic performance, partnership

The institution has successfully organized global collaboration with 120 globally renowned institutions in more than 30 political territories. A record number of specialists and scholarly are sent overseas annually go to research and develop their theoretical abilities. The largest cooperative course legal literacy is Japan-EU College of Legislation (CESL), which was established in 2008 jointly with the Japan administration and the EC. Subsequently, a prestigious course of cultivation of internationally oriented skillful individuals was formed.

The slogan of this Lyceum is “Enormous generosity, legitimate awareness, perpetual analysis, and administrative assistance”

The main goals of this University are to turn China University of Political Science and Law into a free, branched, original and authoritative academic institution.

Name 中国政法大学
City Beijing
Ranking in China 94
International ranking 861
Undergraduate 2910 USD/year
Postgraduate 4220 USD/year
Accommodation 250 USD/month
Cost of living $620-1,212 USD/mon.
Scholarships ☑️
Seats 140
Deadline 10-30 May
Students 17,233
Foreign students 840
Location 25 Xitucheng Rd, Bei Xia Guan, Haidian Qu, Beijing Shi, China

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