PhD in China


PhD in China

PhD in China provides full immersion in this country and its discoveries. China, with the world’s second-largest economy, also succeeds in the rapid development of its higher education system. It is a great opportunity for international students to receive a quality education.

PhD in China

China is a key member of the BRICS association – group of countries with rapidly developing economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Leading universities of this group are also located in China. It is an excellent platform for international collaboration between professionals and teachers, as well as international projects.

In this article, we will tell you about how to apply for foreign students for PhD programs in China and about future opportunities.

What PhD in China can offer you

The higher education system in China has made significant strides over the past 20 years. And all of this because of active investments in the development of higher educational institutions. China has developed the following projects: “Project 985“, “Project 211” and League C9. The main goal of the country was to create world-class universities and increase the prestige of existing institutions. Also, according to this plan, PhD studies in China should attract more foreign students for further development.

Choosing China, you get the opportunity to become part of a new culture and see a world different from yours. Take a walk along the Great Wall of China or take part in a dragon dance at the Chinese New Year Festival.

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PhD in China and why you should choose it:

  • Best among BRICS countries: China is the leader in the number of universities listed in the Times Higher Education BRICS Rankings. Among them, six universities are in the top ten.
  • Rapid growth: The state generously funds universities every year, thereby helping them to raise their rankings internationally.
  • Attracting foreign Postgraduates: The Chinese government generously values ​​the treasure of foreign postgraduates, encouraging them financially.
  • International students’ choice: Over the past few years, China has rapidly gained popularity among international students. Thus, it ensured itself the second place in the list of the most popular countries for studying abroad.
  • A multi-faceted country: No matter what the topic of your research work, you will always find something to be inspired by. Whether it is the study of advanced technologies, or, on the contrary, historical excavations. We are not talking about the huge list of interesting places that you should definitely visit!

Structure of PhD in China

China is famous for its ancient culture and history, that makes it the most popular place to visit by travellers. Chinese hospitality helps international students to get settled faster.

PhD in China is quite similar in structure to many other Western countries. You will also analyze the selected topic with the support of your supervisor. After completing the dissertation, you will send for review its contents with a detailed description of your findings.

Duration of the program

There are 2 types of PhD in China: full-time and part-time. For foreign students, only full is suitable, as there are restrictions on the X1 visa. You can find out more about visas in this article. Long-term programs are usually 3 or 4 years. Each year is divided into two semesters: spring and fall, from March to July and from September to January, respectively.


PhD in China can take place in different ways depending on the chosen university and direction. Teaching and assessment are more formal than in many Western countries. For the first 2-3 years, you will have to complete a teaching program that will be drawn up by your supervisor. This program may include: attending lectures and passing exams for further obtaining a doctoral degree.

PhD in China

During your studies, you also need to work on a research project. According to the results of which you will have to write a doctoral dissertation. You should defend it in oral form in front of a group of experts.


The cost of a PhD in China depends on the chosen speciality and university. Doctoral studies in China are also funded by a variety of public and private scholarships. You can find a complete list of scholarships at this link.

Below we have provided data on the approximate rate for one academic year, depending on the direction:

Direction Cost
Human Sciences 10,755-25,940 yuan ($1,550-3,750)
Science and Engineering 18,347-33,532 yuan (USD $2,650-4,850)
Medicine, Sport and Art 25,307-51,879 yuan (USD $3,650-7,500)

If you are interested in receiving scholarships to study PhD in China, please, fell free to contact our consultants. They will help you to choose the program and answer all your questions.


Each university has its list of requirements for candidates, however, among them, general criteria can be distinguished:

  • Master’s: you must have a completed master’s degree or equivalent
  • Exams: in some universities, it is necessary to pass an exam in language proficiency and some subjects
  • Supervisor: you need to approve your topic with a supervisor
  • Recommendations: you must have at least two letters of recommendation from your professors.

PhD in China


PhD in China can be taught in two languages: Chinese and English. To study in Chinese, you need to have an HSK certificate. To study in English, you need to pass IELTS.

Application process 

Before applying, you must contact a potential supervisor. Only after approval of your chosen topic, you can send your application.

To apply, you need to follow these steps:

  • Results: the university may require a grade record for your previous research work. You can get this at your previous university.
  • Recommendations: you must have at least two letters of recommendation from your professors.
  • Application form: it is necessary to fill out the application form, indicating the selected supervisor.
  • Other: you also need to provide a certificate of medical health. And for students without a scholarship, provide a certificate of the availability of finance.

Usually, the application period closes in April or May.

For a greater guarantee of admission, we advise you to contact our services. We will provide you with full support and guaranteed enrollment.


Some universities may schedule an interview where they would like to discuss your application. The interview will take place online. Depending on your application, they will want to discuss the skills you already have or your area of ​​research. But don’t worry, such interviews are just a formality to introduce your personality.

Work after PhD

According to Chinese law, foreign students are not allowed to work. However, after completing your doctoral studies, you can apply for a Z visa (work) and easily start your work. Also, with the permission of the university, you can take internships.

PhD in China

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