Study in China 2020 – COVID-19


COVID-19 and studying in China in 2020 – information for applicants in 2020. China considered as a country with a low level of incidence of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Study in China 2020 - COVID-19


Facts about COVID-19 (08/13/2020)

World China USA Russia
Confirmed 20.624.316 84.756 5.208.399 907.758
Recovered 12.831.800 79.398 2.669.119 716.396

Data from Wikipedia

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Nobody expected this.

Since 2014 we assist international students with enrollment to universities in China. From that time, thinking about the future of our team, we certainly considered various possible risks that could affect students and our work.

Here are some approximate risks that we thought might affect our work:

  • Political warfare between China and the USA
  • Political circumstances between China, Russia and Kazakhstan
  • The deterioration of the situation in Eastern Turkestan (Xinjiang)
  • Closure of the One Belt One Road – which provides scholarships to study in China

But the emergence of COVID-19 and its consequences took everyone by surprise. Nobody expected that pandemic could arise and its consequences will be large-scale.

Study in China 2020 - COVID-19

Adaptation to COVID-19

China, where the virus appeared, fully controls the situation with COVID-19.  And in 2-3 months handled the situation. Center of the epidemic moved to Europe and America. For us, the news that COVID-19 is not a threat in China is good.

Study in China 2020 - COVID-19

Now students who are in China or have returned to their countries study online. Students who planned to pass HSK can not do this both in China and their countries. It is expected that online studying will be continued in the fall semester. And in the spring semester all universities will resume studying normally.

There is a chance that in the middle of the fall semester if the borders open, students will be able to return to universities.

children in elementary school in Hangzhou

Study in China 2020 - COVID-19
Such hats are worn by children to maintain their distance

We continue to recruit students to study in China as planned. China is reopening schools and educational institutions in all big cities. For example, children in elementary school in Hangzhou wear these hats to maintain social distancing. At the entrance to the public places, visitors are given protective equipment and external disinfection.

The outlook for fall 2020

According to Chinese universities, they are going to resuming work in the fall. The main thing is that the country where students come from should be open. Before coming to China, students will be required to take a virus test. And in case a virus is found, a student will be quarantined.

Let’s imagine the worst case – the 2nd wave of the virus has started. It is affecting the whole world. In that case, according to the past experience in the fight against COVID-19 China will quickly neutralize hotbeds and for our students will no longer pose a danger. However, it may be difficult to depart from your country. If students are unable to return, universities will wait for their arriving. They will start the educational process online.

6 facts about studying in China in post-pandemic times

  1. China’s central and local governments update confirmed cases of COVID-19 and related areas every 24 hours.
  2. Chinese Government provides “free treatment to all people with COVID-19” both Chinese and foreigners.
  3. Chinese hospitals are well-equipped and know how to fight against COVID-19. All countries will take into account recommendations for the treatment from China and WHO. The number of recovered people is about 80.000 in China.Chinese traditional medicine such as ‘lianhuaqingwen’ is 91% effective for patients with mild symptoms of Covid-19.
  4. With the help of reports from confirmed patients, the Chinese Government can track virtually all people who may be at risk of infection and carry out proper quarantine medical surveillance.
  5. The Chinese Ministry of Education has developed a campus contingency plan.
  6. Chinese vaccine against COVID-19 is in clinical trials.

Professor Ying Qi

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