Huazhong Normal University


Huazhong Normal University

Huazhong Normal University or Central China Normal University was established in 1905. The university is also known as “Central China Normal University”, and entered the lists of “two-one-one Chinese program”, “nine-eight-five Chinese program”, those are supporting universities to be highly educational organization can compete with other foreign universities. For over than a century, Huazhong Normal University has been developing its strong and traditional tuition system. It runs 22 high schools, 5 teaching bases those offer 88 doctorate schemes, 162 schemes for undergraduates, and 53 teaching schemes for undergraduates. Huazhong Normal University gives an offer of comprehensive disciplines specialties, include Sinology (Literature & Language), Economy, Legislation, Liberal arts, Physics, Chemistry, Administration, Agricultural sciences, engineering, and Musical sciences. This university boasts with its multinational Humanities teaching schemes, which are A1 level and high ranked in home and abroad.

If you are interested to study at Huazhong Normal University, feel free to contact our consultants or to leave your application on our website. You can visit “Our Services” page right here to get known with the services we provide.


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Huazhong Normal University recruits 120-160 students for scholarships every year. Scholarships for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree as well as for language courses are provided.

In recent years, many students have come to this university to study, and to be granted with scholarships. Therefore, the university is incorporated with local and governmental companies to provide students with grants and scholarships until 2022. To get full information, please get in touch with our consultants.

The Students’ features at the university

Huazhong Normal University scholarships

Now, Huazhong Normal University enrolls over 25,000 scholars those amongst whom 8,600 are postgrad levels. In 2002, the university provided most of its graduates, approximately 96% with jobs in their specialties. It is recognized as the earliest university that recruits foreigners and confers them with diplomas in the region. Today, it has more than 2,000 foreign collegians those who come from different parts of the world.

Huazhong Normal University education

There is an Internationalized Education School (abbr. IES) that recruits, instructs and administrates foreign collegians in the zone of the university. IES has been offering a high-level and advanced teaching scheme for foreign undergrads, which are going to take the education of Sinology. Additionally, qualified lecturers give lessons about Sinology, musical sciences, penmanship, sport (karate, judo, etc.), to the learners in the university, and ensures their life situation. The studying candidates at IES are provided with H.S.K tests and conferences, lessons in English, short termly disciplines and winter and summer vocational schemes in favor of them. The place of IES is a must-visit place for you if you want hospitality and comforts to get highly educated on your major!

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Name 华中师范大学
City Wuhan
Ranking in China 43
International ranking 499
Undergraduate 5,000 USD/year
Postgraduate 5,000 USD/year
Accommodation 200 USD/month
Cost of living $410-827 USD/mon.
Scholarships ☑️
Seats 116
Deadline 30th June
Students 22,000
Foreign students 1,600
Location No. 152, Luoyu Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, China

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