Anhui Medical University


Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University has the longest history among all the High schools in the Anhon region, so, it should be noted that there is accumulated knowledge, rich history, and culture in the university.

After the start of its activities, the High education establishment chose the following as its motto: “It is hard to study, try to practice, educate excellent doctors, but it is possible”.

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Along with scientific researchings, preparing the qualified medical cadres, the High school prepares specialists who adhere to the sacred Hippocratic oath, “Every life is important!”. Thus, the university prepares not only ready medical personnel but also specialists who in the future will make a worthy contribution to maintaining the level of people’s health.

If you are interested to study at Anhui Medical University, feel free to contact our consultants or to leave your application on our website. You can visit “Our Services” page right here to get known with the services we provide.


Anhui Medical University recruits 120-160 students for scholarships every year. Scholarships for Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degree as well as for language courses are provided.

Anhui Medical University

Anhui Medical University is offering Scholarship Program for international students of the academic year 2020-2021. To get more information contact our consultants.


Today, there are 2 campuses in the university, with a total of about 18,000 Bachelor and Master’s degree students. In students free time, they can enroll in one of thirty-two training courses or programs offering specialized training in various areas. It should be noted that at the university there are twenty-five educational institutions. It should be underlined that there is a School of International Education under the University.

Anhui Medical University

The High education establishment has permission for doctoral training. A quantity of Master’s degree programs is more than seventy. It should be underlined that the High education establishment has a partnership with five specialized and five non-specialized hospitals. So, it means that students in the process of their studies will be able to practice quite well in one of these specialized institutions.

Scientific studies

As for specific numbers, only in the last five years, students of the university have successfully conducted more than two hundred scientific studies. One of the main scientific advantages is that Anhui University is far ahead of other region high education establishments. As for University’s awards, it should be emphasized that Anhui Medical University has an award of the National scale, which was received in the 10th exhibition of scientific and technological development.

In the international arena, management of the university has also been trying not to lag behind, so the High education institution offers its international students quite good rooms, with excellent living conditions. Each of the rooms has a bath or shower, air conditioning, TV, refrigerator, and internet. The administration of the university did not forget about the specific conditions for international students, for example, there are Muslim canteens, private laundries, and others on the campuses of the higher school. Today, the number of students who came from abroad to study here is more than 150, and the geography of these students is about 45.

As mentioned above, the leadership of the High school pays special attention to foreign students and international education in general. The administration of the Higher education establishment promises that every year it will improve the basic mechanisms of the educational institution, namely, the educational process, the teaching process, management, infrastructure and much more. All these steps are taken to ensure that every international student can feel the harmony and friendliness of the school.

Name 安徽医科大学
City Hefei
Ranking in China 96
International ranking 1240
Undergraduate 2910 USD/year
Postgraduate 4363 USD/year
Accommodation 150 USD/month
Cost of living $410-827 USD/month
Scholarships ☑️
Seats 75
Deadline 15th July
Students 18,000
Foreign students 280
Location Shushan Qu, Hefei Shi, Anhui Sheng, China

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